Consultations and Supervisions

·            Supervise the following doctoral degree:

         "study of the genetic toxicity of a substance " acralamyde" on the sperm and  testicular tissue in mice"

·            Co-supervisor of following master degree:

          1:"Effect of Gasoline Contact on Histological and Histochmeical structure of

         Guinea pig skin."               

          2:"Effect of Enviroment Pollution with car fuel (Gasoline Vapor) on  

          histological and Histochemical structure of  Guinea pig Respiratory Air   


         3:"Comparative Histological studies of Harderians Gland in some Females  Rodents" 

·         Participate in the arbitration of some research on the project AFAQ      

   Research Institute - King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

·         Were among committees of assessment  for doctoral and master's degree.

·         Consultatnt in Research and consultation institute (RACI) at KAU.

·             Part- time consultant ( adviser of quality)at Batraji medical college     

    (1.3.1429H up to present)

Last Update
3/26/2009 9:53:16 AM