
·         Workshop on “Instructor as a coach and Counselor” during 19-23.4.2008G.

·         Workshop on "Assessing students' Performance " at king abdulaiz university with collaboration of Quality Programs for Faculty development  on 17-22 feb 2007G.

·         Attended a workshop on "The basics of licensure and academic accreditation, held in the Ministry of Higher Education in Riyadh, on 8.3.1425H.

·         Attended a workshop in the AMEE(Associate for Medical education in europe) CONFERENCE” in Switzerland on “Designing Multiple Choice Questions, Enhanced Faculty Skills”on 31 Aug to 3rd Sep 2003.

·         Workshop on " Medical Cirriculum Development" at King Fahd medical Research Centre , Faculty of medicine & Allied Sciences on 23-25 .2. 1423H.

·         Attended a workshop on “Upgrading of Medical Education”, held during the period at the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences.

·         Attended a workshop in the “AMEE CONFERENCE” in Switzerland on" Cirriculum change in traditional medical school Roles of the teacher" on 2-5 sep, 2001G.

·         Attended a workshop in the “AMEE CONFERENCE” in Switzerland on "Students teaching communication skills" on 2-5 sep, 2001G.

·         Attended a workshop on “Improving the quality of Education”, held on 14.6.1421H  at the University Instruction Development Center.

·         Participated by a work paper on “Planning For Development – Female Students Division opinion about the Academic Environment in the workshop on "Academic Environments".

Last Update
3/26/2009 9:43:55 AM